Urban Music Studies

Scholars Network

by Alenka Barber-Kersovan
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CfP Cities and Culture: Critically re-evaluating urban cultural policy frameworks

Call for proposals for edited volume

Editors: Dr Christina Ballico, Department of Music, University of Aberdeen

Dr Allan Watson, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Loughborough University

Cultural planning holds a central place in urban regeneration and urban re-profiling initiatives in cities around the world. Over the past 20 years, interest in the ways in which cities might be re-imagined and place-branded through specific creative and cultural identities and activities has increased exponentially. Urban policymakers have sought to find ways to leverage place-based cultural identities to drive a range of urban development, economic, heritage, and tourism initiatives. This is demonstrated, for example, through the wide enactment of a range of culturally focused urban development strategies (for example, Music City initiatives) and the development of a range of ‘creative’ and ‘cultural’ frameworks (for example, the UNESCO Creative Cities Network).

Given that creative cities policy frameworks are becoming increasingly prevalent on a global scale, and in light of long-standing critiques regarding economic determinism and the narrow understanding of ‘culture’ deployed in such frameworks, in this volume we seek to bring together contributions which offer critical re-evaluations grounded within diverse geographical contexts. Thematically, we welcome contributions which consider the following issues:

  • The city-specific impacts of creative and cultural cities frameworks and their capacity to support urban regeneration and social and economic development, for example the UNESCO Creative Cities Network, other international or national frameworks such as City of Culture awards, as well as localised initiatives.
  • City-specific cultural policies and regulatory frameworks which might support and/or inhibit particular forms of creative and cultural initiatives and activities, both in the short and long term.
  • Alternative strategies and methods for evaluating the success of creative city policies beyond economic determinism and shifting attitudes toward arts and culture as a social and cultural good.
  • Consideration of the ways in which creative and cultural city policy frameworks might be re-worked, re-imagined, or re-invigorated in order to provide more equitable forms of urban, social, and economic development in cities.
  • The capacity of arts and cultural activity to address local environmental issues and broader climate change and sustainability goals.
  • Critical evaluations of in-situ place activation and cultural engagement initiatives, and/ or activities with a particular consideration of their impact/s and how they fit within city-wide frameworks and policy initiatives.

Deadline is October 31, 2023

Contact: citiesandculturebook@gmail.com


by Alenka Barber-Kersovan
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Music and Internet Conference

Music and the Internet is a hybrid, multi-day interdisciplinary conference that will take place virtually and at the University of Chicago on June 9–10 2023. Its goal is to bring together scholars and creators to present across a variety of perspectives on the intersection of music, sound, and online culture, and to help cultivate the developing international network of thinkers at work on these topics.

More: https://musicandtheinternet.co/


by Alenka Barber-Kersovan
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New Book: Sonic Signatures – Music, Migration and the City at Night



Edited by Derek Pardue, Ailbhe Kenny and Katie Young this edited volume demonstrates and interprets contemporary migrant musics as sonic signatures constitutive of the city at night. The distinct contribution is the articulation of migrancy and emplacement practices to the scholarship on urban musicology and the burgeoning field of night studies

A PDF version of this book is available for free in Open Access. It has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License and is part of Knowledge Unlatched.

More: https://intellectdiscover.com/content/books/9781789386967#chapters


by R. Kuchar
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New Book: Kultur:Wandel – Impulse für eine zukunftsweisende Kulturpraxis

Kultur:Wandel – Impulse für eine zukunftsweisende Kulturpraxis

Wie sieht eine gerechte Kulturpolitik im 21. Jahrhundert aus? Wie kann die kulturelle Infrastruktur zukunftsfähig gehalten und generationen- und gendergerecht erweitert werden? Oder anders: Wie können staatliche und nicht-staatliche Akteur*innen eine Cultural Governance entlang sich verändernder Bedürfnisse entwickeln? Diese Fragen diskutieren die Beiträger*innen des Bandes und entwerfen Handlungsweisen und Transformationsmöglichkeiten für ein neues Kulturverständnis. Mit konkreten Ansätzen und Praxisbeispielen zeigen sie neue Leitbilder der Kulturpraxis bzw. Kulturpolitik auf, laden zum Nachahmen ein und machen Mut, eigene Konzepte zu entwickeln. E-Book via Open Access hier erhätlich.

Herausgeber: Anna Blaich / Felix Grädler / Henning Mohr / Hannes Seibold


Culture:Change – Impulses for a Future-Oriented Cultural Practice

What does a just cultural policy look like in the 21st century? How can the cultural infrastructure be kept sustainable and expanded in a generationally and gender-appropriate way? Or, in other words: How can state and non-state actors develop cultural governance in line with changing needs? These questions are discussed by the contributors to this volume and they outline courses of action and transformation possibilities for a new understanding of culture. With concrete approaches and practical examples, they show new guiding principles for cultural practice and cultural policy, invite readers to emulate them and encourage them to develop their own concepts. E-Book availabe via open access here.

Editors: Anna Blaich / Felix Grädler / Henning Mohr / Hannes Seibold

by Alenka Barber-Kersovan
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Contemporary Urban Music for Inclusion Network (CUMIN)

CUMIN is an inter-disciplinary cluster mixing researchers, practitioners and a range of stake-holders in educational and social projects of various kinds, fostering dialogue and production of new knowledge.

The broader purpose of CUMIN is to promote knowledge exchange between educational/social projects that use contemporary urban music in inclusive ways, on the one hand, and researchers, theorists, policy makers and cultural/education leaders, on the other hand. Key questions for CUMIN include: Can projects using contemporary urban music impact significantly on educational/social inclusion? If so, how can we best measure this impact?

On June 30th the 2023 CUMIN conference will take place at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance in London (and online). It is planned as a major statement on the cultural, social, educational and inclusive value of contemporary urban music in all its forms, featuring world-leading scholars and celebrating the practical projects that have been already featured in workshops. More information you can find under https://cuminetwork.wordpress.com/.


by R. Kuchar
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New Book: Popular Music Scenes – Regional and Rural Perspectives

Music Scenes are not an exclusive phenomenon of the metropolis! Popular Music Scenes – Regional and Rural Perspectives edited by Andy Bennett, David Cashman, Ben Green & Natalie Lewandowski, recently published at Palgrave McMillan, represents the first book-length study of regional and rural music scenes across the globe. Within 15 chapters by international scholars, this volume explores how globalization influences the development of trans-local connections between music scenes and provides fresh insights into understudied music scenes in towns and small cities across the world – at the edge or beyond the spaces we understand as urban. The book examines regional and rural popular music scenes in Europe, Asia, North America and Australia by looking at the spatial aspects of regional popular music scenes, at their technologies and forms of distribution, at their collective memories, and at their relationship to industry, policy, culture and music.

More information at the publisher´s website: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-08615-1

by R. Kuchar
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New Journal: DIY, Alternative Cultures, & Society

On April 7th, our colleagues of KISMIF launched the new journal DIY, Alternative Cultures, & Society. https://journals.sagepub.com/home/DIY

DIY, Alternative Cultures, & Society is the first academic journal dedicated to the theme of DIY (do-it-yourself) and alternative cultures. It is a fully peer-reviewed international journal that publishes original research and review articles focusing on all aspects of DIY and alternative cultural practice and consumption in a global context. Papers from social science, humanities, and creative and performing arts disciplines that speak to DIY culture and practice issues in contemporary and historical contexts are welcome.

by Alenka Barber-Kersovan
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CfP Beyond Creative Cities II

Cultural Dynamics, Scenes and Urban Fabric
June 22-23, 2023 Angers (FRANCE)

Overspill, sensory fabric and authenticity invite us to reinvest the idea of the creative city by developing a singular attention to the idiosyncratic character of the relations between modes of production, consumption and narration of situated artistic and cultural activities and the territorial dynamics in which they are embedded. How can cities built on the model of the creative city evolve to accompany the transitions, notably ecological and economic, that the health, climate and geopolitical crises have made more necessary than ever? How can we transform an attractive city based on totemic investments (flagships) into a desirable and hospitable city which multiplies the axes of resonance between its different components? What models of urban governance can we imagine for these transitions? How can cultural and creative activities accompany the “de-metropolisation” of territories?

More https://scaena.hypotheses.org/4986

by Alenka Barber-Kersovan
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Got to Be Something Here – The Rise of the Minneapolis Sound

Andrea Swensson traces in her book the rise of the distinctive Minneapolis sound through two generations of political upheaval, rebellion, and artistic passion. In her award winning book, the author takes the reader through the neighborhoods and venues, and the lives and times, that produced the Minneapolis Sound.
More https://www.upress.umn.edu/book-division/books/got-to-be-something-here

by Alenka Barber-Kersovan
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Vienna Perspectives ― Art, Urban Space and Social In-/Equality

An international Scholars‘ Study Session in the framework of the series Groove the City – Urban Music Studies and Digital Humanities

Artistic interventions in public space, the relocation of cultural events and festivals
from the city center to the outskirts as well as the intention to achieve an all-encom-
passing social equality through music and the arts remain a central motive of urban
cultural policy. Therefore, the concept of class and various mechanisms of inclusion and
exclusion ― in Luhmann’s sense ― still operate as parameters for measuring social equality and inequality. In the field of music and urban culture, this situation continually
leads to discourses about participation, access and interpretive power ― until today
and especially after the rupture of the cultural fields caused by the pandemic and since
the beginning of the war happening in Ukraine.

In this discourse, the City of Vienna continues to play a paradigmatic role during the  last 100 years. Since 1918, as a model of a city governed by social democracy, Red Vienna offers ― not without nostalgic recollections ― varied scenarios of a desired social and cultural assimilation. Based on fundamental explorations of the concepts of equality and inequality, the international study sessions will draw on the case of Vienna presenting and discussing models of utopian (and less utopian) concepts of local urban politics and the organization of musical life before and after Covid as well as facing the current socio-political tensions across and beyond Europe

Date: 16.―18. November 2022
Place: Musik und Kunst
Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien
Johannesgasse 4a, 1010 Wien

Contact: s.zapke@muk.ac.at

More: https://muk.ac.at/zwf/forschungsprojekte/wissenschaftliche-forschungsprojekte/urban-musical-studies.html