Urban Music Studies

Scholars Network

by Alenka Barber-Kersovan
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Culture and Sustainable Development in the City – Urban Spaces of Possibilities

This book edited by Sacha Kagan exposes the potential to advance a cultural approach to sustainable urban development. It explores urban “spaces of possibilities” and links them to the seized or missed opportunities for innovative forms of transversal partnerships throughout the city and of culturally sensitive urban policies.

More: https://www.routledge.com/Culture-and-Sustainable-Development-in-the-City-Urban-Spaces-of-Possibilities/Kagan/p/book/9781032137001

by Alenka Barber-Kersovan
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Sound Development – Music and Culture Contribution to Social Value in the Built Environment

Sound Development – Music and Culture Contribution to Social Value in the Built Environment

Sound Development is the first event of its kind to bring the world’s property developers and music industry together to explore the issues and opportunities between music and real estate in the UK and around the world.

Date: 27th September 2022

Location: Aures London, 18 Leake St, London SE1 7NN, UK

More: https://www.musiccitiesevents.com/sound-development-2022


by Alenka Barber-Kersovan
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GROOVE THE CITY – International Scholars’ Study Sessions

VIENNA PERSPECTIVES – Art, Urban Space and Social In-/Equality

Urban Music Studies and Digital Humanities

Nov. 16th – 18th, 2022 +++ MUK Vienna


Artistic interventions in public space, the relocation of cultural events and festivals from the city center to the outskirts as well as the intention to achieve an all-encompassing social equality through music and the arts remain a central motive of urban cultural policy. Therefore, the concept of class and various mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion – in  Luhmann’s sense – still operate as parameters for measuring social equality and inequality. In the field of music and urban culture, this situation continually leads to discourses about participation, access and interpretive power – until today and especially after the rupture of the cultural fields caused by the pandemic and since the beginning of the war happening in Ukraine.

In this discourse, the City of Vienna continues to play a paradigmatic role during the last 100 years. Since 1918, as a model of a city governed by social democracy, Red Vienna offers – not without nostalgic recollections – varied scenarios of a desired social and cultural assimilation. Based on fundamental explorations of the concepts of equality and inequality, the international study sessions will draw on the case of Vienna presenting and discussing models of utopian (and less utopian) concepts of local urban politics and the organization of musical life before and after Covid as well as facing the current socio-political tensions across and beyond Europe.


I. Music and the City

II. The Sociality of Urban Music – Locality, Place & Cultural Policy

III. Utopian City – The Cultural Projection of the Viennese Social Democracy

IV. Recomposing the City – Viennese Approaches

V. Visual Analytics and the City Metaphor

VI. Urban Space – Inequality and Diversity – Spatial and Social Difference

Confirmed Speakers:

Wolfgang Aigner; Alenka Barber-Kersovan; Jens Dangschat; Wolfgang Fichna; Velitchko Filipov; Yvonne Franz; Lisa Gaupp; Volker Kirchberg; Sabine Knierbein; Robin Kuchar; Simon Mc Veigh; Silvia Miksch; Robert Musil; Edouard Neversal; Michael Parzer; Robert Sablatnig; Werner Michael Schwarz; Georg Spitaler; Manuela Waldner; Susana Zapke; Ingo Zechner;

Languages: German and English

Film and Music: Students of the MUK

Organisation: Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna (MUK) in cooperation with the Leuphana University Lüneburg and the Vienna University of Technology (Technische Universität Wien -TU Wien)

Concept: Susana Zapke (MUK)

Location: MUK – Johannesgasse 4a – 1010 Wien

Information: https://muk.ac.at/zwf/forschungsprojekte/wissenschaftliche-forschungsprojekte/urban-musical-studies.html

 Registration: s.zapke@muk.ac.at


by Alenka Barber-Kersovan
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Streets Ahead: Post-Pandemic Civic Spaces

The Irish Humanities Alliance (IHA), in collaboration with Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin) and The LAB, is delighted to present Streets Ahead: Post-Pandemic Civic Spaces. Today, as we plan for post-pandemic landscapes, with greater awareness and appreciation of the outdoors, the open-air spaces of our common world have renewed significance.
The conference will take place, in hybrid form, on 9-10 September 2022 in Dublin. The deadline for proposals is Thursday 30 June 2022.
More information here https://www.irishhumanities.com/assets/Uploads/Streets-Ahead-Call-for-Papers-Extended-.pdf

by Alenka Barber-Kersovan
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Call for Papers – ‘Imaginary Cities’: Los Angeles in Music Cultures

This collection of essays to be published by Routledge (Music) is edited by Dr. Sébastien Darchen, Dr. Damien Charrieras and Dr. John Willsteed.


This edited collection analyzes popular music artefacts such as lyrics and song titles (textscape), sounds, melodies, rhythms (soundscape), visual images in record covers, videos and merchandise (landscape) to make sense of the ‘Imaginary cities’ portrayed by a variety of music cultures from L.A. The aim is to establish a dialogue between music cultures in L.A and selected urban themes (ex: feminist urbanism, social upheaval, etc.) and to connect this discussion to the reality of L.A at the time. We argue that music cultures create ‘Imaginary cities’ but are also constitutive of the urban fabric. The collection is exploring this two-way process. It also includes semi-directed interviews with musicians, music writers and urban theorists to further develop this dialogue between music cultures and urban studies. Ultimately, the collection speculates on the future of Los Angeles as a city and its associated music cultures given the current urban challenges of the global pandemic and climate change.

Editors re particularly interested in contribution for the following music cultures:
– Psychedelic rock (ex: The Doors);
– Glam rock (ex: The Runaways);
– Punk rock (ex: X);
– Nu metal (ex: Rage Against the Machine);
– Recent music cultures around Electronic music/hip-hop
Confirmed collaborators: Professor Roger Keil (York University), Dr. Robin Bloch, L.A punk icon Patricia Morrison (Ex-Bags and Ex-Gun Club) and music writer Chris Morris.
Deadline for submitting the abstracts is April 15tht 2022.
Abstract should be send to Dr. Dr. Sébastien Darchen (UQ): s.darchen@uq.edu.au
Further information: https://sees.uq.edu.au/profile/9935/sebastien-darchen; https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-33-4741-0: ,

by Alenka Barber-Kersovan
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DIY House Shows and Music Venues in the US

The new book DIY House Shows and Music Venues in the US by David Verbuc is an interdisciplinary study of house concerts and other types of DIY (“do- it- yourself”) music venues and events in the United States. This research contributes to the sparse range of Western popular music studies that approach their subject matter through participatory ethnographic research.

More https://www.routledge.com/DIY-House-Shows-and-Music-Venues-in-the-US-Ethnographic-Explorations-of/Verbuc/p/book/9781032049175?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9-_4mOe99gIVEtN3Ch0QJQLmEAAYASAAEgKXNvD_BwE

by R. Kuchar
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We are very glad to announce that scientific events in presence seem to be back in the course of 2022! Our very esteemed colleagues of KISMIF network just published the call for their 2022 edition of KISMIF conference on ‘DIY Cultures, Sustainability and Artistic Ecosystems’, which will be held from July 13th to 16th in Porto.

The submission of abstracts for this Conference is open to researchers, academics, activists and artists working in all areas of sociology, anthropology, history, cultural economics, cultural studies, geography, philosophy, urban planning, media and cognate disciplines such as design, illustration, popular music, film, visual and performing arts.

Get full Call for Papers and detailed information here.

by Alenka Barber-Kersovan
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Stadtklanggestaltung – Konditionen einer neuen Entwurfs-, Planungs- und Entwicklungspraxis by Thomas Kusitzky

Sound is an essential part of urban life and experience. However, apart from noise abatement, it has so far hardly been taken into account in urban design. Based on this statement, Thomas Kusitzky asks about the conditions for a conscious practice of urban sound design and shows starting points for establishing it. He not only asks about the role of designers and planners, but also looks at the entire network of actors who, through their interrelated actions, produce such a design practice.

You can find more here https://www.transcript-verlag.de/978-3-8376-5949-8/stadtklanggestaltung/?c=310000067

by Alenka Barber-Kersovan
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Sounding Places – More-Than-Representational Geographies of Sound and Music

Edited by Karolina Doughty, Michelle Duffy, Theresa Harada, this collection asks

  • how sound comes to be a meaningful ingredient in the microgeographies of place-making through the workings of affect, emotion, and atmosphere,
  • how sound contributes to shaping a variety of embodied and spatially situated experiences and
  • how such aspects can be harnessed methodologically.

Read more https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/gbp/sounding-places-9781788118927.html

by Alenka Barber-Kersovan
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Geographically Isolated and Peripheral Music Scenes – Global Insights and Perspectives

This volume edited by Christina Ballico explores the connection between music and the social production of remote places. In a series of case studies from around the world, the book succinctly lays out the challenges of peripheral locales, but we also learn how musical activities emerge because they take place in the periphery, not just in spite of relative isolation.

More information can be found under https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-16-4581-5#editorsandaffiliations