Urban Music Studies

Scholars Network

DIY House Shows and Music Venues in the US

The new book DIY House Shows and Music Venues in the US by David Verbuc is an interdisciplinary study of house concerts and other types of DIY (“do- it- yourself”) music venues and events in the United States. This research contributes to the sparse range of Western popular music studies that approach their subject matter through participatory ethnographic research.

More https://www.routledge.com/DIY-House-Shows-and-Music-Venues-in-the-US-Ethnographic-Explorations-of/Verbuc/p/book/9781032049175?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9-_4mOe99gIVEtN3Ch0QJQLmEAAYASAAEgKXNvD_BwE