Urban Music Studies

Scholars Network


Lena, Jennifer C. (2012): Banding Together. How Communities Create Genres in Popular Music. Princeton/Oxford: Princeton University Press.

Leonard, Marion/Strachan (Hg.) (2010): The Beat Goes On: Liverpool, Popular Music and the Changing City. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.

Lilleker, Martin (2005): Beats Working for a Living: The Story of Popular Music in Sheffield 1973-1984. Sheffield: Juma.

Lloyd, Richard (2006): Neo-Bohemia: Art and Commerce in the Postindustrial City. New York u.a.: Routledge.

Logan, John R./Molotch, Harvey L. (1987): Urban Fortunes. The Political Economy of Place. Berkeley u.a.: University of California Press.

Matthiesen, Ulf (Hg.) (2004): Stadtregion und Wissen. Analysen und Plädoyers für eine wissensbasierte Stadtpolitik. Wiesbaden: VS.

Mattissek, Annika (2008): Die neoliberale Stadt: Diskursive Repräsentationen im Stadtmarketing deutscher Großstädte. Bielefeld: transcript.

Merkel, Janet (2008): Kreativquartiere: Urbane Milieus zwischen Inspiration und Prekarität. Berlin: Edition Sigma.

Miles, Barry (2010): London Calling: A Countercultural History of London since 1945. London: Atlantic.

Mischke, Joachim (2008): Hamburg Musik! Hamburg: Hoffmann und Campe.

Morley, Paul (2004): Words and Music: A History of Pop in the Shape of a City. London: Bloomsbury.

Nichols Clarke, Terry (Hg.) (2004): The City as an Entertainment Machine. Oxford: Elsevier.