Urban Music Studies

Scholars Network

Deindustrialisation and Popular Music

Punk and ‘Post-Punk’ in Manchester, Düsseldorf, Torino and Tampere by Giacomo Bottà

The book is a comparative study of deindustrialisation and popular music in Manchester, Düsseldorf, Torino, and Manchester. In these cities, during the late 1970s and early 1980s,punk and post-punk scenes actively shaped new collective forms of making and consuming music. The music they produced has been canonized and understood as a “score” for grey, gloomy, decaying urban industrial environments or for their evocation. But I was interested in the real relationship between deindustrialisation and this kind of music production.
The book examines the role of music in deindustrialisation, showing that it’s a vanishing mediator in the step from the industrial to the post-industrial city. Moreover, it reflects on the significance of ‘deindustrialisation music’ as cultural catalyst and heritage in contemporary urbanisation.

More you can find here https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781786607379/Deindustrialisation-and-Popular-Music-Punk-and-%E2%80%98Post-Punk%E2%80%99-in-

Manchester-D%C3%BCsseldorf-Torino-and-Tampere and here https://www.amazon.de/Deindustrialisation-Popular-Music-Manchester-Interventions-ebook/dp/B088KWMM1H#reader_B088KWMM1H